28mm 160cm Antique Brass Curtain Pole


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Antique Brass Curtain Pole

The first decision is really to decide what material of curtain pole you are interested in as this will narrow your search down. . The choice of material is really down to personal preference and the look and style you want to achieve.

Metal Curtain Poles
Metal curtain poles tend to be more contemporary in design and finish, however, we do have a range of antique brass poles which lend themselves to more traditional design styles.

Wooden Curtain Poles
Wooden curtain poles often come in a variety of colours so can work well with a plethora of interior design colour schemes. They are also available in wider diameters than the metal poles so work really well with heavier curtains. The wider diameters can also help to balance the look with heavy, lined and inter-lined curtains and can really create a wow factor at your window. We now have an extensive range of corded wooden curtains poles which look stunning.
